Meniscus Surgery Signs Youcan Start Kicking a Ball Again

Last updated on eighteen November 2020

Soccer, or football, as information technology is known in many countries, is a team sport played by eleven players against another team of players on a field, using any part of their bodies except their hands and arms.


Common soccer injuries

Soccer is mostly a safe sport, but its fast pace may oft involve falls and collisions. Here's a listing of the 10 most common soccer-related injuries.

ACL injury

Your inductive cruciate ligament (ACL) runs diagonally in the middle of your knee. Information technology is ane of 4 major articulatio genus ligaments made of tough fibrous textile. It is an important stabiliser of your genu. ACL injuries are mutual soccer injuries, and tend to occur during sports that involve sudden stops or changes in management, jumping and landing.

Causes of ACL injury

  • Changing management rapidly
  • Stopping suddenly
  • Slowing downwardly while running
  • Landing from a jump incorrectly
  • Direct trauma such as in a soccer tackle

Symptoms of ACL injury

At the betoken of injury, you lot volition usually feel a 'popular' in the knee accompanied with rapid knee swelling within the first 24 hours. You might as well feel pain and discomfort while walking.

Preventing ACL injury

Always practice warm-ups before playing. This includes stretches, strengthening exercises such every bit squats and lunges, and strengthening core muscles. Also practice exercises to improve your residue and stability, agility in changing directions, and to leap and land safely.

Meniscus tear

Meniscus tear

The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions your human knee. Each knee has two menisci that act as shock absorbers. The meniscus tears when the pressure outweighs the shock that the meniscus can bear.

Causes of meniscus tear

  • Twisting or turning apace, especially planting your foot on the pitch while your knee joint is bent
  • Lifting something heavy from a squatting position, such as weightlifting during resistance grooming for soccer players

Symptoms of meniscus tear

  • Pain, particularly when you touch on the affected surface area
  • Swelling
  • Difficulty moving your knee joint or having restricted movement
  • The feeling of your genu locking or catching, as if information technology is almost to give manner

Preventing meniscus tear

Playing soccer on surfaces such as Astroturf and wearing shoes with smaller or less numerous studs tin assistance foreclose the foot from becoming completely planted if forced into rotation, therefore avoiding the risk of a meniscal tear.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

Also known as runner's articulatio genus, the patellofemoral pain syndrome got its nickname from the stress of running. Simply put, it is pain at the front of the knee joint.

Causes of patellofemoral hurting syndrome

  • Repetitive stress on your knee joint joint from regular sprinting or jumping for the ball
  • Muscle imbalance when the muscles around your hip and knee do not keep the kneecap properly aligned
  • Trauma to the kneecap such every bit a fracture or dislocation

Symptoms of patellofemoral hurting syndrome

  • Knee hurting, especially when you squat, bound, climb the stairs or sit down with your knees bent
  • Occasional knee buckling, in which the knee joint suddenly gives way
  • A catching, popping or grinding sensation when yous walk or motility your human knee

Preventing patellofemoral pain syndrome

Retrieve to stretch so that the supporting structures around the front of the human knee remain flexible and less likely to exist irritated with exercise. Soccer players who are decumbent to anterior knee joint pain should avoid running stadium steps or hills.

Patellar tendonitis (tendinopathy)

Also known as jumper's knee, patellar tendonitis is an overuse injury of the tendon connecting your kneecap to the shin. It occurs during activities that exert meaning stress on the knees, such equally jumping and landing hard.

Causes of patellar tendonitis (tendinopathy)

  • Direct trauma to the forepart of the knee due to collision during a soccer tackle
  • Landing from a bound incorrectly
  • Repeated jumping or sprinting
  • Repeated squatting or hill running that trains endurance during soccer grooming

Symptoms of patellar tendonitis (tendinopathy)

  • Localised tenderness over the patella tendon
  • Pain worsens when jumping, squatting, climbing the stairs and getting upwardly from a seated position

Preventing patellar tendonitis (tendinopathy)

The best prevention measure out for this type of injury is the patellar tendonitis stretch. Additionally, regularly complete stretches and strengthening exercises such every bit, ankle, hamstring, and hip stretches, bound rope, lunges, and squats.

Sprained ankle

Sprained ankle

Ankle sprains are amidst the most mutual injuries in soccer. Sprains range from balmy to severe, depending on the damage of the ligament and the number of injured ligaments.

Causes of sprained talocrural joint

  • Sudden stop or alter in direction while running, causing the ankle to twist unnaturally
  • Awkwardly planting your foot when running
  • Landing unstably on your ankle from a spring, tripping over when dribbling a brawl or stepping onto an irregular surface

Symptoms of sprained talocrural joint

  • Pain and tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Stiffness
  • Inability to put weight on the affected ankle

Preventing sprained ankle

Replace shoes when treads or heels wear out, and do warm-ups prior to playing a game. Perform regular exercises that improve your balance, strengthen your leg, foot, hip, and cadre muscles, and stretch your ankles before exercising.

Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome

ITB syndrome is i of the most common overuse injuries amongst sports that involve running. It occurs when the iliotibial band, a big band of fibrous tissue that runs downward the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee, is inflamed.

Causes of iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome

  • Poor running techniques, specially inwards rolling knees and legs
  • Weak hip and core muscles
  • Weak inner quadriceps (large muscles at the forepart of the thigh)
  • Poor foot curvation control that puts excessive weight on the ITB
  • Sudden increase in training mileage
  • Endurance running

Symptoms of iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome

  • Abrupt or burning pain merely to a higher place the outer part of the knee or hip
  • Pain that worsens with running or other repetitive activities involving the thigh
  • Swelling on the outside of the knee joint
  • Pain when you bend your human knee

Preventing iliotibial ring (ITB) syndrome

A proper warm-upwards and cool downwards should exist implemented to foreclose ITB syndrome. Emphasise proper stretching before and afterwards playing a game and prepare properly for whatever increment in activity volume, especially running.

Hamstring strain

Hamstring strain

Your hamstring is a group of muscles that run along the back of your thigh. They allow you to straighten and curve your leg when running or kicking a ball. During a hamstring strain, i or more of these muscles either stretch across their chapters or tear.

Causes of hamstring strain

  • Poor running techniques
  • Inflexible hamstrings due to insufficient or improper warm-upward earlier a match
  • Excessive training loads, ie. pushing yourself too hard despite fatigue

Symptoms of hamstring strain

  • Swelling during the first few hours of injury
  • Bruising or discolouration at the back of your leg, beneath the genu, in the first few days
  • Weakness in your hamstring that can persist for weeks

Preventing hamstring strain

Warming up correctly and completely is i of the virtually important means to forestall a pulled hamstring. Continue to strengthen all other muscles in the thighs, pelvis, and lower back. Stretching both before and after soccer exercise is as well of import. Finally, regular deep tissue sport massage can aid prevent muscle strains.

Achilles tendon rupture

The Achilles tendon is a big rope-like band of gristly tissue at the dorsum of the ankle that connects your calf muscles to the heel bone. When the calf muscles contract, the Achilles tendon tightens and pulls the heel. An Archilles tendon rupture refers to a consummate tear of the tendon, which usually occurs most ii inches above the heel os.

Causes of Achilles tendon rupture

  • Bursts of jumping, pivoting and sprinting
  • Overstretching the tendon, eg. when y'all suddenly trip or collide into another actor, and y'all thrust your foot in front to interruption a fall
  • Falling from significant height, eg. later on performing an overhead kicking

Symptoms of Achilles tendon rupture

  • Severe pain and swelling near your heel
  • Disability to bend your foot downward, tiptoe or push off the injured leg when you walk
  • A popping or snapping audio when the injury occurs

Preventing Achilles tendon rupture

The best prevention for this type of injury is to stretch the Achilles tendon. It is too important to strengthen and stretch dogie muscles and switch up exercises to protect the Achilles tendon.

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis (read 'plan-ter fas-ee-middle-tus') is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia is the flat band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes. It supports the arch of your pes.

Causes of plantar fasciitis

  • When your anxiety roll inward excessively when yous walk or run
  • Walking, continuing or running for long periods of fourth dimension, especially on hard surfaces (eg. running on concrete surfaces in street soccer)
  • High arches or flat anxiety
  • Improper footwear for your workouts

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

  • A stabbing hurting nearly the heel at the lesser of your pes that is particularly severe when you have your first few steps after waking up
  • Pain when you climb stairs or after continuing for a long time

Preventing plantar fasciitis

A soccer cleats (shoes) with good arch back up will assist preclude plantar fasciitis. Proper orthotics tin also be used for soccer players with low arches. Flexible calf muscles tin can help reduce the chance of injury. Additionally, when practising on a turf surface, employ turf shoes instead of cleats.

Groin strain

A groin strain is a tear or rupture to any of the abductor muscles in the buttock and outer hip, resulting in pain in the inner thigh. Groin injury ranges from mild to astringent weather, which can be completely debilitating.

Causes of groin strain

  • Sprinting or changing direction apace
  • Resistance during rapid leg movements, such every bit kicking a ball
  • Overstretching the muscle, such every bit during a bike boot or jump kicking

Symptoms of groin strain

  • Groin pain and tenderness
  • Groin pain when you squeeze your thighs together
  • Muscle spasm or tightness in your groin muscles
  • Walking and running may be more comfy than prolonged sitting or standing
  • Bruising or swelling may not occur until days afterward the initial injury

Preventing groin strain

Exercise static and dynamic warm-up exercises before workouts and games. Utilise a cream roller to relieve muscle tightness and promote blood flow. Perform adductor forcefulness training several times a week and finally, keep performing drills all year round so your torso is always prepared for activity.

Article reviewed by Dr Kevin Lee, orthopaedic surgeon at Mountain Elizabeth Hospital


All You Need to Know Nearly Soccer (due north.d) Retrieved Oct 27, 2020, from

ACL Injury Prevention Tips and Exercises: Stay Off the Sidelines (2009, April 11) Retrieved Oct 27, 2020, from https://world wide

Meniscus Tears (Soccer) (northward.d) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

Patellofemoral and Anterior Knee Pain Common Amid Soccer Players (2010, January 22) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

three Steps to Treating & Recovering from Soccer-Related Patellar Tendinitis (2017, September 7) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

How to Properly Treat Ankle Sprains in Soccer (northward.d) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://world wide for-ankle-sprains-in-soccer

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (Soccer) (northward.d) Retrieved Oct 27, 2020, from

Hamstring Strains (Soccer) (due north.d) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

5 Means to Foreclose an Achilles Tendon Rupture (2020, March four) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://world wide

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5 Strategies Athletes Tin can Use to Foreclose Groin Strains (2016, November seven) Retrieved October 27, 2020, from


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